Tie-Dye Workshop

Our Workshops have been created to work on a one-on-one basis or in a group environment, making it ideal for individuals or groups. This set-up makes the workshop perfect for individuals, parties and team building sessions. Workshops can be help at our premises or we can set up at your home, offices or conference centers.

Workshops are set up from start to finish, providing information on what materials are needed, dye mixing, folding methods, application and rinsing.

Because this is a lengthly process, specific instructions are given for post-dye transportation and care.



Selecting colours

Starting the folding process

Starting the colour process

Colour prep complete

Colour prep complete

Colour prep complete

Drip and dry in the sun

Starting the spiral process

Starting the spiral process

Starting the spiral process

Spiral end result

Tube tye prep

Tube tye colour

Tube tye end result


078 084 7217



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